Sunday, 12 May 2019

it still hurts.

I can still remember the sound of her voice.

The only one who calls me by my first name. 

She taught me to always love, love and love. 

Believe and be kind. 

To always trust with an open heart.


Always in my thoughts, through the good days and the bad. I just wished she was still here. 

They say it takes time to heal. 

But to be honest, it doesn't really. 

The reality is you will always grieve. 

And as days go by, you will just have to learn how to live without them. 


They say breakups are hell, but have you really felt a staggering pain from your chest as if you've been stabbed multiple times and it just fucking burns and aches, all at the same time. It's like the pain is a constant reminder. It feels as if a piece of your heart was ripped from your chest and tears won't stop dripping. It's that pain where you scream into a pillow hoping things will get better but they never do. It's forever haunting. It's that overwhelming pain of denial that you've lost something so significant to you that you know you can never get it back. It's a loss so big that you can't even start to comprehend it. You just drown in your own sorrows and not even a soul can help you get through it.  


It's tough. It may have been years. But days like this, makes it even harder. 

There's just so much I would want to say to her if she was still around. When it's my time, then perhaps I shall see her again.


I wish I had more days with her. I wish I had more memories.


It's hard.

...very hard.

But that is life.

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